The true stories of Hazrat Khidr (as) in the Qur'an

 Stories of the Qur'an 

Hazrat Khizar

Stories of the Qur'an  Hazrat Khizar

Stories of the Qur'an 

Hazrat Khizar

(peace be upon him) said that knowledge is very effective for him. After appointing Hazrat Akram (may Allah be pleased with him) to the position of Prophethood, Allah Almighty continued the chain of Wati and the second one was:  Let him fall down and inform the people and glorify his Lord (Surat al-Muddaththir, verses 1-3) In the bag of divine command, he started preaching the religion, due to which the Quraysh of Makkah became very fond of him and  Nat began a series of new persecutions. 

The CJs became the closest relatives of the Holy Prophet from the year and were the chiefs of his tribe, among whom were Abu Jahl and Abu Lahab's henchmen Waleed bin Mughira Umayya bin Khalaf, Qabah bin Hajjaj, you  Ibn Ani al-'Aam, Anqar ibn Harith and Aqaba ibn Ani Mail. Aqaba ibn Abi Mu'ayt was the enemy of Tor Sol Pak Pakh who camel in the state of Majda and placed the theater on his back. Upon receiving the news, Hazrat Fatima  Run, and removed in January and cursed the same text. 

This was the first contest by women in the Kaaba for the sake of Islam. The second round was held in Badr.  He wrapped the blanket around Mubarak's neck and pulled it so hard that he started suffocating.  This time Hazrat Abu Bakr came forward and went away. The enemy of Allah and His Messenger is not only Eid-ul-Adha because he says that Allah is One.  

The ongoing statement is also a part of these events.  But the Quraysh of Makkah sent Atabah Ba Muhit and Umar ibn Harith to Madinah to meet the Ihbar (Jewish scholars) there and tell them about the personal characteristics of the Holy Prophet (saw), his character, and Islam, and to seek his opinion in this matter. Who roamed the earth (Zul-Qarnayn) What were the conditions of one? What is the reality of the soul? The majority of scholars agree with these three questions.  But from the understanding of the Qur'an, the commentators do not speculate that instead of the question (what is the reality of the soul), the question was asked, what is the reality of the story of Khidr? They also present the argument that verse no.  85 The truth of the soul is answered: "And these people ask you about the soul, you answer that the soul is my billion.

Stories of the Qur'an  Hazrat Khizar

Stories of the Qur'an 

Hazrat Khizar

Answer that the soul is from Mir by command and you are very young. They also write that Surah Bani Isra'il and Surah Al-Kahf  There is a difference of years between the revelation of the Qur'an and the three incidents mentioned in detail in Kiev, so we ask you that the question concerning the soul is actually related to the Qur'an and the soul. (Tafheem-ul-Quran, vol. 3)  They were related to the history of Christians and Jews. The Hijaz were not popular among the imitators, so the People of the Book (Ihbar) chose these three events of Sur Kan for the place of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).  

The first part of the story is presented after the first part of the life of Joshua bin Nunn. The last part of the story is related to Joshua bin Nunn.  I was also a participant. Now in view of the mention of Hadd's son, then the client and his servant's candle (instead of the fish) met Khidr there. Ibn Jarr says that 'Uthman ibn Sulayman narrated it as follows:  Head land  I was sitting in the river on the cover.  Saeed Ibn Jubayr narrated here that one of his clothes was under the feet of Saravan and the other was of Sarasar.  Moses greeted them.  Khidr covered his face and asked, "There is a story of Salam Karwan on this earth and it was the land of infidels at that time." Then he asked, "Who are you?"  Moses answered, "I am."  

Then Khatrne asked, "Moses of Israel?" Re Banari, Change of Surah Fatih  Muslim commentator Maulana Abid Siddiqui writes that Khidr is not a name, but a title. Hazrat Imam Ibn Qatin in one of his books Kitab al-Ma'arif mentions his name and accepts his father's name and why he writes about his lineage:  Ibn Amir ibn Shaykh ibn Arfakhsh ibn Sam ibn Nuh. (P. 36) His father was a king. On this occasion Imam Nodi wrote to him. Hazrat Khidr was given this knowledge by Allah Almighty from Himself.  It is mentioned in the Qur'an al-Hakim as follows: "So Musa (Moses) found one of Our slaves, as if We had bestowed upon him a special mercy from Us, and had given him special knowledge from Us."  Of  The purpose is to make me follow you so that you can teach me the good knowledge that has been taught to you.

Stories of the Qur'an  Hazrat Khizar

Stories of the Qur'an 

Hazrat Khizar

Explaining the significance of these verses, the great commentators and scholars say that special mercy means prophethood and all knowledge means knowledge of revelation and knowledge which was given to Hazrat Khidr (Allah knows best).  Perfection is a prophet whose knowledge and perfection cannot be covered by the essence of a servant, only then can he be considered.  However, scholars have discussed the sciences of these two personalities.  One of them, Shaikh An Istan, states that his life and his presence in Majalis-e-Khmer are numerous.  The position of Prophet Moses is very high and keeping this in mind, without researching the issues, he said that I am the greatest scholar.  Upon this, Allah Almighty warned them not to say, but to attribute the knowledge to Allah, because in Hasnat-ul-Abrar, Makiyat-ul-Qamar, Hazrat Musa and Uloom were trained, and Khanfar was given knowledge of discovery and intention and  Kashf cannot be better than political science training and Kashf al-Mubayyat, it is called Sir Fi Allah and it is not the end.  

If the dangers were more common, they would not have visited the canal for the sake of knowledge, and then there is a difference of opinion as to whether Khidr was there.  Imam al-Nawawi, vol. 2, ma'alam al-a'lam) This incident is written in the Qur'an al-Hakim as follows: "(Khidr) said: 'If you wish to stay with me, do not ask me anything until I have mentioned it to you.'  They both slipped, until when they got into the boat (Khidr had broken his belongings) (Moses did, are you his friend to drown the people in the boat?  Strange thing (Khidr) said, "I did not say that you will not be able to interpret with me.

Stories of the Qur'an  Hazrat Khizar

Stories of the Qur'an 

Hazrat Khizar

" (The client) said, "Do not blame the flower that happened to me and put a hard layer on me in my case."  Then they both left. When they found a boy, the danger killed him. Did I not go so that you would not be able to be patient? He said, "If I ask you anything after that, do not keep me with you, for you have become a vow on my behalf."  Wearing a gown and asking the villagers for food, they did politics for both of them  S refused  Then they saw a wall there that was about to collapse. I will tell you about the things you could not count."  There was a king in front of them who used to snatch the dead thing by force, so I wanted to make him defective so that he would not get angry and the boy  His parents were both believers. We feared lest he should be born and follow them in disgrace and disbelief, so We wished to give him a guardian over him, and to give him another wing which is better in the Holy Land.  And be closer in love, and the wall was for the two orphaned elders, and they lived in the city, and beneath it was their song, and their father was a good man.  It is the grace of your Lord, and I am not responsible for it. This is the truth of what you could not understand. "  سوره

These verses 8270) At what place did you meet Hazrat Khaqar?  The two tributaries meet, not the Bahr al-Ala and the Bahr al-Alam Tarq, located on the Nile River near Dar Inkom, Sudan.  Apart from the areas in which Hazrat Musa spent his entire life, there is no other gathering in the whole of Bababad (Hem-ul-Quran, Volume 3). At that time, Mir was ruled by an oppressive ruler.  In the Torah it is related to the descendants of Case bin Isaac.  In the Torah, where kings are mentioned, their names are also included.  According to a narration, the boy whose name was killed by Prophet Moses was named Haithor, which is also narrated by Qatadah.  The town in which the five walls were built is called Ela.  Scholars write that this incident of Prophet Moses may have taken place in the early days of Prophethood because at that time the Prophet needed observations and knowledge, so that he could prepare and acquit his nation.  

This incident has been narrated by various narrators and has been made very complicated by the narrators in which the Jewish scholars are prominent.  Now the requirement of knowledge is that it does not seem appropriate to accept these traditions even after the test of knowledge, it is hurt by the desire for evil and it is not a service to knowledge.  Hazrat Khafqar himself says that these actions of his are not his choice, but Allah's mercy has been his motive which has been confirmed by Allah Himself in the verses quoted.  Even now, matters have gone beyond any doubt that these matters were dealt with by the pen of Allah in Lahore.

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