Hazrat Ali (RA) and his miracle

Initials about Hazrat Ali

The first letter begins with the name of God Almighty, who is very kind and very merciful and many blessings and peace be upon Hazrat Mustafa ï·º.  The fourth caliph, Haider Karara Sher Nada Abu Turab and Aiwan, the prophet of Anani Rasalat, is still the source of external and internal knowledge of Hazrat Ali Al-Murtada  You are the two contestants of Islam and in the relationship you are the cousin and son-in-law of the Holy Prophet.  He has a form of courage and bravery and he joined the battles side by side in the name of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and narrated subtle stories of courage and bravery.  Hazrat Ali Al-Murtada also mentions that the Holy Prophet (sws) laid him on his bed on the night of Hijrah.  You say that I did not get the restful sleep that night because I do not know whether to sleep in the news and not wake up again, but on the occasion of migration, the Holy Prophet (saw) said to me:  Sleep on my bed and it will meet me with the trust of the people so I know that after today's sleep I will definitely wake up and death will not come to me.

 Hazrat Ali bin Abi Talib

He is one of those who have been given the glad tidings of Paradise in this world. His name is Abu Turab Ali ibn Abi Talib. He is the grandson of Nighab ibn Ghalib, the supportive books and Qurashi horses.  She is the husband of Hazrat Fatima (RA), the daughter of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the father of Hazrat Fatima (RA).  He was his father, brother's chief, admirable man and pioneer. His father, Abu Talib, helped the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in the state of the lamp of the place of support and in the state of raising and prophethood in the lesser Sunni.  His mother, Fatima bint Asad Al-Bashmid, was a very virtuous woman, the source of mercy and I was at night.  He is the father of Hazrat Fatima (RA), one of the forerunners of Islam. She was one of the foremost among the Muhajireen.  We used to visit Hazrat Akram to visit him and rest in his house. Hazrat Stadium put his blessed Kurd in his shroud and sent him away from the world with his tears and prayers.  He was born about nine years before the advent of Islam.  Then Bait Nabavi grew up in the soil and converted to Islam in his childhood.  Hazrat Aqdas CM trained and trained him and rewarded him with many prizes and arranged his education well.  Therefore, Hazrat Ali, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, is characterized by the Prophet's character and attributes.

The miracle of Hazrat Ali (RA)

Less miracles, hard work, muscle muscles, hours (magic): In Sait Shahar Bayan, a cut and paste was very poor.  He used to sell cars and run his own business. He told his daughter that when he took her away from the house of Nigar Bani Hai to light a cigarette, Tawab saw that Mahati was in love with her.  The woman Zaid's guardian went through the door to put Babar Agar Gree in the ring. He inherited the rare rind or the woman gave me a meal.  Disappointed by the pain, he was smoking a cigarette.  He said to his father, "Give me a cigarette."  Rain  The rest of the oil is to reduce the number of cigarettes in the casket.

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