Hazrat Musa and strange night. Rizq and tge incident of Hazrat Ali

Hazrat Musa (as)  and a strange night

Hazrat Musa (as) Abu Huraira says that Hazrat Moi (as) was a very humble man.  No one had seen them either.  At last the children of Israel began to say that they had a disease called kufat.  Once he drew a water pencil and placed his cloth on the rock, he ran away.  And Hazrat Moi (as) used to follow him with his staff and kill him.  O my clothes, until they are four where the people of Israel were gathered.  The same verse was revealed about it: O you who believe!  Do not be like those who persecuted Moses and slandered them.  A strange night is also passing in which one caliph died, another caliph succeeded him and a third caliph was born.  The deceased was the Mia Badi of the Caliph Mahdi.

Ramadan and its blessings

Rama\an is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar.  Ramadan is very important in the Qur'an and Hadith.  And blessed is Ramadan, he has come to Ba'id.  Irshad Rabbani says that the Holy Quran was revealed in the month of Ramadan.  (Al-Baqarah: 185) There is one in this month which is better than a thousand nights.  (Al-Qadr: 3) Hazrat Salman narrates that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that a month is coming above Sha'ban which is a big and blessed month.  There is a night in it that lasts for thousands of months.  Allah Almighty made the night stay in the head a thing of reward. Whoever attains nearness to Allah with a good deed in this month, he who performs a duty is like one who performs seventy duties in a non-Ramadan month.  It is a guide to humiliate people.

Rizq and the incident of Hazrat Ali

One day, the Commander of the Faithful, Hazrat Ali Ibn Abi Tal, landed at the door of the mosque with his handkerchief. He handed over his neck to a woman with the idea of ​​safety. After visiting the mosque, betrothal took place in her heart.  He took your job and ran away.  When Hazrat Ali came out of Makkah after finishing the prayers, he had Rudram in his hand.  Urdu and we, the caretakers of Puncher, wanted to compensate him, but you saw that the mosquito was standing idle.  Anyway, he got home without working and gave two dirhams to his slave saying that he was a fraud from the bazaar.  When Ghulam went to the bazaar, he saw the V-team in the hands of a man.  When the slave returned, he told Hazrat Ali about this.  However, the trillion women who had written in his destiny took more than high.

Hazrat Ali

(1) Wisdom is the lost thing of the believer. Take wisdom from hypocrisy.  (2) Man is hidden in the veil of language.  (3) Literature is the best perfection and charity is the best worship.  (4) What you like for yourself, you like for others.  (5) Beware of crooked and full-bodied malice.  (6) Sin erases sin forever.  Pride in goodness destroys goodness.  (7) The best Atma is that which is obtained by one's own hard work.  (8) Do not greet the juice that slanders a chaste woman.  (9) Always tell the truth so you don't have to eat.  (10) Do not long for death by always remembering death.

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