Promise of the fountain of heaven and the statement of fasting

The promise of the fountain of heaven and the statement of fasting

Hazrat Bashir Aslami (may Allah be pleased with him) says that when the Muhajireen came to Madinah, they did not like the water here.  There was a well of a man of Banu Ghaffar whose name was Rome.  He drank a glass of water from this well in one go.  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to the owner of the well, 'Give me this well and we will get a spring in Paradise in return.'  He said, "O Messenger of Allah, there is no other source of income for me and my family, so I cannot give."  When Hazrat Uthman (RA) heard this, he bought the well for 5,000 dirhams.  Then the Holy Prophet came to the service of the work and asked, or the Messenger of Allah!  As you promised him the profession of paradise, if I buy this well, will he also take me to that spring in paradise?  Hazari Bari said, "Yes, I will get it."  Hazrat Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) said: I have bought that well and given it to charity for the Muslims.  حياح الصحابہ ، ج 1) shahood ahmed | AshabeRasool |

Ashfaq Ahmad(A Great Writer)

Ashfaq Ahmad writes a question.  One question that bothered me was: What is the difference between a believer and a slim?  Asked a lot of people if no one was satisfied with the answer.  Once he was passing through the village and saw a Baba cutting sugarcane.  I don't know why I thought of asking him this question.  I greeted Babaji and asked permission.  Babaji looked at me for a while and replied ...  A Muslim is one who believes in Allah A believer is one who believes in Allah.

Fasting is a shield

It is narrated on the authority of 'Abdullah ibn Muslimah, Malik, Abu al-Tar al-Mad, Araj, Abu Hurayrah that he said that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:  Yes, that is why he should not speak badly or speak of ignorance. If a person quarrels with him or insults him, he should say, "I am fasting." He should say it twice.  You are the one in whose possession my soul is. The smell of the mouth of a fasting person is better than the smell of musk in the sight of Allah. He gives up food and drink and gives up what he desires for the sake of fasting.  You get goodness and guns.  Sahih Bukhari: Volume I: Hadith No. 1789 1789

upbringing of children

Sheikh Mehdi was asked how he would like to train his children.  When a child is more than ten years old, do not let him drink in the company of criminals and others.  ۔  If you want your name to remain, teach your children good manners.  ۔  If I love evil, don't pamper me more than that.  ۔  Teach your child the teacher's literature and get him used to the teacher's circumcision.  ۔  Take care of all the needs of the child yourself and keep him in such a good way that he does not do it to others.  ۔  Encourage your child with praise and applause when teaching at the beginning.  When he is attracted to it, try to teach him the difference between me and evil, and if need be, listen.  ۔  Teach your child handicrafts.  If he was skilled, he would be able to use his fever instead of reaching out to either of me.  - Keep an eye on the parents so that not every mother is in love.

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