Situation of Hazrat Ibrahim (as) and condemnation of miserliness

The situation of Hazrat Ibrahim (as)

Circumstances and Virtues of Abraham (peace be upon him) Ha: Abraham is the son of prominent Islamic historian Ibn Ta Khur.  Your name is Ibrahim and your surname is Abu Asbeenian.  He was born in Kofi, a town near the city of Babylon, some 703 years after the Flood of Noah and about two thousand three years after the flood of Mentia.  (Tafsir Azizi) It is stated in Khazain-ul-Irfan that he was born in Sus area of ​​Amwaz.  You have been very intelligent and promising since childhood.  He used to debate with his people on Tawheed-e-Ali until once he remembered these idols (or every Dan).  Then he left his mark and migrated from there to Syria and beyond and made Aslan his place.  You made many personal and financial sacrifices.  There can be peace from beyond.  Life, wealth, children and your ton.  He put his life in the fire, said goodbye to wealth and homeland, drank with love and left his wife in a worldly forest and once was ready to sacrifice his son.  At the same age, the house was ordered.  You didn't always take it from home at that time.  He said: O Ibrahim!  Molly was quick to approve of your obedience.

Forgiveness of sins

One day the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) asked Hazrat Aa'ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) for forgiveness of sins.  Hazrat Ayesha (may Allah be pleased with her) asked me to get shoes. Tell me the secret by which all sins are forgiven. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:  If he removes it, then Allah forgives all his sins and he will get a higher rank in Paradise.  When the Companions found out about this, they were overjoyed, but Hazrat Abu Bakr was shocked and began to weep.  The companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) were surprised.  He asked.  "Why are you crying?"  Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiat replied.  I weep because when the sorrow of another can be a means of forgiveness of sins and paradise, what will be the fate of those who hurt the other?

Praise and condemnation of miserliness

The definition of the bill is that where it is obligatory to spend according to the Shari'ah custom and habit, the artery does tomorrow.  It is obligatory according to sharee'ah to spend Zakat on the number of Fitr, etc., and it is obligatory to spend on friends and relatives according to custom and habit.  (Ahyaa al-Uloom, Kitab Dhim al-Sahil wa Dhim Hab al-Maal, Bayan Had al-Samaa wa al-Bas wa wa Haqeeqathama, 3/1 Û³Û², Malh Qur'an and hard hadith  Spokesman Al-Warun: Yes, yes, these are the people we are found in. Al-Wanshla from Khalq and Qath Laima. Go and live in the way of Allah. Someone among you speaks,  And Allah is Self-Sufficient, and you are the only one who can save you, and if you turn away, then other people besides you will give you a long life (Surah Muhammad). You will not have money. You have no money.  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: The two habits of man are fairy: (1) It is the one that brings strength to the mind, and (2) the heart that makes the hair grow. (Abu Dawood, Kitab al-Jihad,  1, Hadith: 1) It is narrated on the authority of Hazrat Abu Har-e-Har-e-Bi-Allah-e-Anhu that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:  Will enter  (Firdous Al-Akhbarah Bab Al-Sin, 444/1, Hadith: 1) It is narrated from Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar Rabbi Allah Almighty Anhuma. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: No one will go to Paradise.  (Al-Awsat Dictionary, Bab Al-Ain, Min Asma Ali, 1/2, Hadith: 4011) It is narrated on the authority of Hazrat Abu Hurayrooz that the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:  It is far from men when it is close to Hell. Tirmidhi, Kitab al-Bar wa al-Sunnah, Bab Ma Jaa fi al-Sahab, 1/2, Hadith: 1) It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Marr (may Allah be pleased with him)  He said, "There is a tree in Hell. He who thinks he has done it, will not leave it without entering Hell. Sha'b al-Iman, the fourth and the seventeenth from Sha'b al-Iman, 1/2, Hadith: 1) Jalali  And in the treatment of street kick bill, it is possible to consider the causes of speech and try to remove them, such as the great cause of speech is the love of wealth, the idol's desire for hair and also the reason for the mother to live forever.  It is the source of contentment and mirth and often removes the memory of death and the circumstances of those who have passed away. Thus the condemnation of oil and the virtue of generosity, the hadiths and traditions containing the calamities of wealth and  Studying the grievances and considering them will also help the country to get rid of the disease.

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